+82) 10-8453-0224

SM world tour 

About the project

special effects work for [SM World Tour video]
sculpture / 2013
dimensions of the snowball : h 250 X w 250 X l 230 mm
material : hard urethane
prop / 2013
dimensions of the wheelchair : h 1000 x w 500 x l 800 mm
material : steel, urethan paint




Making the Snow Globe

2013 / h 250 X w 250 X l 230 mm /  hard urethane

In the production of the snow globe, one important aspect was seamlessly transforming SHINee’s Minho and Girls’ Generation’s Yoona into characters while maintaining a realistic appearance. The base of the snow globe was made from rigid polyurethane foam. Initially, non-expanding rigid polyurethane was used to create the base, adjusting for an exaggerated three-dimensional feel. Small, angular parts such as windows or doors were covered with acrylic cut by laser, employing techniques akin to architectural model-making and diorama crafting.

Making the Wheelchair

2013 / h 1000 x w 500 x l 800 mm / steel, urethan paint




SUBART ™ by Bear Lee.  2006.


Bear Lee

T.  +82) 10-4216-3225

E.  subart28@gmail.com

W. https://subart.co.kr/