+82) 10-8453-0224
Factory model

About the project

In my experience with constructing factory models, a crucial aspect has been understanding the machinery thoroughly and accurately measuring its key components. This approach ensures that the models I create have sharp corner angles in each section, making them visually striking. Additionally, my deep understanding of the machinery has enabled me to effectively incorporate electrical installations or lighting when necessary.

Plant machinery testing aircraft engines

2012 / h 150 x 500 x 850 mm / mixed media

The motor rotates the center axis of the model and informs people of the plant’s core parts.

Carbon fiber factory line

2014 / h 120 x 500 x 1100 mm / mixed media

When the switch is pressed, the light of the device part of the name written on the switch is illuminated, the motor in that position is activated, and the carbon fiber runs along the factory line. To better show the carbon fiber, the carbon fiber was used without reducing the size

lightning rod generator

2012 / h 350 x 700 x 700 mm / mixed media

The enlargement of important parts of the factory made it easier to explain when the miniature was displayed.

SUBART ™ by Bear Lee.  2006.


Bear Lee

T.  +82) 10-4216-3225

E.  subart28@gmail.com

W. https://subart.co.kr/