+82) 10-8453-0224

About the project

Mask / May 2th, 2020
My role – Design, manufacturing masks, distribution
PLA, Hepa filter(high-efficiency particulate air filter), elastic band
Weight 76g /  h 110.4 w 167.4 d 129.7 mm

I have started a free distribution of three-dimensional(3D) files of masks which can be printed from a three-dimensional (3D) printer in the easiest way with Mandro, a medical development company. Ten years ago, I was commissioned by a K-pop artist to make this design of mask for musical performance and music video. (In the contract with the company, I have the authority to design a mask.)  At that time, Mandro, was a 3D printing company, had printed it, and recently, Koika requested a printed mask from a 3D printer used to be Mandro and I started developing the mask with Mandro, based on the mentioned mask.


Velcro-type mask(Type A)

Clip-type mask (Type B)
Making Film

Below are the observed disadvantages of masks printed on numerous 3-D printers that have been developed so far:

  • The manufacturing process is long and complex, or it is difficult to obtain a filter for these masks. 
  • Consumers have difficulty living in society while wearing it because it is bulky or heavy like a gas mask.
What’s New
Mandro and I have set some rules for the frequent use of masks by people across the globe.
  • Users should be able to print out using minimal support. 
  • The mask which we provide ought to have the right design for social activities.
  • Minimize working hours should be taken when completing this mask
1. Files on the mask are programmed in polygon-shaped which makes it easier for users to modify it and find their feet for their facial features.
2. We included the  3D files of filter cutting devices that can be printed out by the users through 3D printers,  so as to produce filters that fit the mask themselves.
3. The time required for output varies, depending on the users’ printers, but can be printed with short-time output and minimal supports. Thus, it won’t take ages. (Output from Mandro allows  at least 1 hour and 20 min of output using 1mm nozzle)
You can download here in order to protect you from the virus. or Click below images!
  • We plan to upload the 16 models of masks in 3D files to match the different sizes of the nose and cheekbones; physiognomy(facial features).
  • Now, we are finding ways as to how we can share face-scanning files and modified masks files from other users.

We are selling the subsidiary materials online for mask users and Subart will use/ utilize/ donate all the proceeds from the sale for areas vulnerable to Corona quarantine.    



SUBART ™ by Bear Lee.  2006.


Bear Lee

T.  +82) 10-4216-3225

E.  subart28@gmail.com

W. https://subart.co.kr/